PAC Home Talk: Byzantia Harlow


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PAC Home Talk: Byzantia Harlow

Tuesday 18th April

PAC Home Talk: Byzantia Harlow
Tuesday 18 April, 6pm
£3/Free for PAC Home members

Byzantia Harlow’s work focuses on participation, performativity, aspects of the ‘veneer’, analysis of social situations and subversion of expected interactions. Pivoting on points of value, authenticity, aspiration and desire, the work investigates commodity, branding, the unique object, the mass produced and cultural identity. There are three strands to her work: material and sculptural concerns, performative and collaborative elements (usually occurring in or gleaned from public spaces), and written components. Participation with local audience is key to the work as Byzantia has an interest in artworks as a prompt for social interaction, artworks that form relationships rather than solely operating as objects.

Byzantia Harlow (b. 1986) lives and works in London. She completed an MA in Painting at the Royal College of Art, London in 2015.

Dates & Times

 Tuesday 18th Apr  6:00pm
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