Hungry For Change – Cornwall’s Climate Stories


Hungry For Change – Cornwall’s Climate Stories

Saturday 8th July

Hungry for Change and Food for Thought are the latest films from Cornwall's Climate Stories, an award-winning documentary series praised by Sir David Attenborough. These 30-minute films explore how vulnerable our intensive, fossil fuel-driven food and farming systems are to climate shocks, featuring ‘real’ people from farmers to deer stalkers, foragers to scientists – all telling their own local climate stories and showcasing their solutions.

Meet the filmmakers and contributors - microbiologist Olivia Champion and Becky Hand from Café Abundance - for a discussion following the screening.

In keeping with the theme of the films and to celebrate alternative food sources, Cornwall Climate Care will be serving some mystery climate-friendly foods that you will almost certainly never have tasted before... will you dare to give them a try?

Running order: Food for Thought, followed by Hungry for Change

£7 Full Price, £4 concession available for students, under 25, budget (unwaged / low income)

Cornwall’s Climate Stories: Food for Thought

Should we all be giving up meat and dairy if we’re to have a hope of avoiding dangerous climate breakdown?

This is what the headlines seem to tell us. But is this too simplistic a picture – and what would this mean for Cornwall, where the majority of our farmland is used to raise livestock or to grow crops for these animals to eat?

Food for Thought looks at the undeniable impacts of modern animal agriculture as well as some of the incredible Cornish initiatives underway to mitigate them – and also the role that regenerative farming could play in actually combating climate change while producing nutritious food.

Presented by organic beef farmer Lisa Guy, this film aims to inspire much-needed conversation and action about a crucial subject that has become one of the most contentious within the climate debate.

You can watch the trailer here.

Cornwall’s Climate Stories: Hungry for Change

We import nearly 50% of all our food in the UK... and waste one third of it. So it is unsurprising that the food we eat and the way we produce it is responsible for a huge part of our carbon emissions.

Cornwall Climate Care's Hungry for Change, the latest episode in the Cornwall's Climate Stories series, looks at our reliance on this intensive, hyper-globalised, fossil fuel-driven food system - which is itself becoming more and more vulnerable to climate shocks.

The film is presented by forager Josh Quick, who asks whether there are ways of producing more of our food locally and in more imaginative but less damaging ways. It takes a fascinating and inspiring look at a whole range of stories, from the gleaners picking ‘waste’ crops in our fields to projects growing food in unusual places and a microbiologist keen to get us all eating low-carbon insects.

For more information about the Cornwall's Climate Stories project, visit:

Dates & Times

 Saturday 8th Jul  5:30pm Intro + Q&A
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