
Take a Part
Take A Part is a socially engaged arts organisation working with communities in Plymouth to support increased access to the arts and opportunities for change locally.
Initiated in 2006 through a partnership with Plymouth Arts Centre, Plymouth City Council and The Heart of Efford Community Partnership. Take A Part has since gone on to develop as its own, independent organisation, working across the city on a variety of projects with many communities.
Screening of The Dividing Line – Friday 15 May, 7pm, Barbican Theatre
An archival film about the history of the Barne Barton area which is supporting the local Neighbourhood Planning
process. Commissioned in partnership with River Tamar Project.
Green Orchestra – Saturday 6 June, 4pm, Place de Brest (Armada Way)
An embedded food and sound project within several communities, bringing together people to share food and
make an orchestral score with green, grown and other natural objects. In partnership with iOrchestra.
Kinterbury Creek Foreshore Commission
Increasing access in Barne Barton to the River Tamar by commissioning a bridge, set for completion in Summer 2016. In partnership with Stepping Stones to Nature plus workshops support from Plymouth Arts Centre.
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