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Rye Lane (15)

F Rated Film
Friday 31st March - Thursday 6th April

Dir. Raine Allen-Miller, UK, 2023, 82 mins. Cast. David Jonsson, Vivian Oparah, Poppy Allen-Quarmby.

Rye Lane is a charming take on the modern-day rom-com, based in South London. Dom and Yas, who are both reeling from bad break-ups, connect over the course of an eventful day in Peckham – as they help each other deal with their nightmare exes. The more they learn about each other, the more they are drawn together as they go through various encounters with their past loves and acquaintances. Rye Lane is a colourful homage to Peckham and the surrounding areas; bringing to life its history, its people and its multicultural influences through what critics are touting to be one of the best rom-com stories of the decade.

The matinee screening on Saturday 1 April will be followed by a pre-recorded conversation from Reclaim the Frame with the film director Raine Allen-Miller.

The mission of Reclaim the Frame is to re-tell the story of cinema by drawing ever greater audiences to films by women & non-binary creatives, re-claiming cinema as a truer reflection of the world we live in.
To learn more and join the #ReclaimTheFrame mission and receive free cinema tickets, discount codes and other film goodies go to
Reclaim The Frame is run by charity Birds’ Eye View, and backed by the BFI’s Audience Fund.

For detailed information about the film's age rating and potential triggering contents, you can visit the BBFC website and search the film title, then scroll down to the “ratings info” section:

There is a Bringing in Baby Screening of Rye Lane on Wednesday 19 April, 11am. Book tickets here.

Dates & Times

 Friday 31st Mar  8:30pm
Event has Passed
 Saturday 1st Apr  2:30pm Descriptive SubtitlesIntro + Q&A
Event has Passed
 Saturday 1st Apr  5:30pm
Event has Passed
 Tuesday 4th Apr  8:30pm
Event has Passed
 Wednesday 5th Apr  6:00pm
Event has Passed
 Thursday 6th Apr  8:30pm
Event has Passed

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