PAC Home Artist Talk: Steve Roggenbuck


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PAC Home Artist Talk: Steve Roggenbuck

Wednesday 30th August

This event has been cancelled. Apologies for any disappointment.

Wednesday 30 August, 6pm
£3/free for PAC Home members

Please join us for a talk given by Steve Roggenbuck, an American poet and video artist whose work explores the new forms that literature and humor can take on the internet. All are welcome.

Roggenbuck is most known for his Youtube videos, which were featured in the New Museum’s 2015 Triennial in New York, the Oslo Poesifilm Festival in Norway, and Rowing Gallery in London. He has also published six collections of writing and performed his poetry at over 300 events in 10 countries and all 50 states in the USA. He is the founder of Boost House, a small poetry publisher in Tucson, Arizona.

Dates & Times

 Wednesday 30th Aug  6:00pm
Event has Passed

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