The Leisure Seeker (15)


The Leisure Seeker (15)

Friday 18th - Thursday 24th May

Mirren and Sutherland play Ella and John Spencer, a long-married couple who defy their adult children by absconding in August 2016, during the early days of the presidential campaign, for one last journey in their decrepit RV. Destination: Key West, Florida, where John, a retired English professor whose failing mind clings hard to beloved literary quotations, can visit the home of Ernest Hemingway.

This is a road-trip movie, but it’s also something more. So many films are about love, but they’re about the beginning of love or sometimes about the middle of love. This is about the end of a love story – the trials and challenges of the happily-ever-after bit.

Dir. Paolo Virzi, US/Italy, 2017, 112 mins.
Cast. Helen Mirren, Donald Sutherland.

Dates & Times

 Friday 18th May  8:30pm
Event has Passed
 Saturday 19th May  5:30pm
Event has Passed
 Tuesday 22nd May  8:30pm
Event has Passed
 Wednesday 23rd May  2:30pm
Event has Passed
 Wednesday 23rd May  6:00pm
Event has Passed
 Thursday 24th May  8:30pm
Event has Passed

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