
FreeJosie Cockram: Interlocutor
Shown in the cinema Tues - Sat, 1-5pm. Free Entry.
Following on from a three month PAC Home residency in the Batter Street studio, Josie Cockram presents a new
film and surround-sound work. Conceived specifically to screen in a cinema, Interlocutor draws on the Greek
myth of Echo to articulate notions of instability and displacement. A woman who loses her voice before she
leaves it behind, Echo is cursed to repeat others’ words, so losing her agency. Cockram’s work is, at first, a film.
But the image loses our attention. Actors’ performance of a script within a film score provokes a disembodied
voice in the darkness of the auditorium.
Josie Cockram works primarily with photographic print, moving image, sculpture and sound. Images are usually
recordings of actual, rather than imagined, people and events. But, there is slippage between objectness,
imageness, sound and space that disrupts the language of documentation. Some works embrace a peripheral
position, others are insistent. Ideas of mastery, cohesion and efficacy are in question and her practice values the
distracted, the equivocal, the helpless and incoherent.
Josie Cockram (born 1977) lives in Devon and graduated from the Royal Academy Schools in 2015.