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Good Posture (15)

F Rated Film
Friday 8th - Tuesday 12th November

Dir. Dolly Wells, US, 2019, 91 mins.
Cast. Grace Van Patten, Emily Mortimer.

Recently graduated Lilian comes to New York to move in with her boyfriend. Fed up with her sense of entitlement, lack of drive and reliance on her absentee father, he quickly breaks up with her, leaving her desperate for a new home. Enter Julia (Emily Mortimer), a reclusive author who expects cooking and cleaning in exchange for a room. Though communicating largely through notes, the odd couple gradually forge a bond and help one another to negotiate the foibles, phobias and obstacles that have long hindered their happiness - all whilst Lilian attempts to make an unauthorised documentary on Julia to impress her cynical ex...

A warm-hearted study of two very different women, Good Posture is a celebration of sisterhood, and a remarkable first film from Wells, who is already drawing comparisons to Greta Gerwig.

Dates & Times

 Friday 8th Nov  6:00pm
Event has Passed
 Saturday 9th Nov  8:00pm
Event has Passed
 Tuesday 12th Nov  6:00pm
Event has Passed

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