Girl, Interrupted (15) [SOLD OUT]


Girl, Interrupted (15) [SOLD OUT]

Saturday 26th September

This is a free event as part of our "This is Us" Plymouth Art Weekender programme. However we kindly request that you book your seats in advance to facilitate the Covid-19 safety measures we have put in place at our venue and for NHS Test & Trace purposes.

Saturday 26 September: Box Office counter, Bar, and Exhibition viewing open from 2pm to 7pm
Sunday 27 September: Box Office counter, Bar, and Exhibition viewing open from 12pm to 5pm

Dir. James Mangold, US, 1999, 124 mins. Cast. Winona Ryder, Angelina Jolie, Elizabeth Moss, Vanessa Redgrave, Whoopi Goldberg.

Chosen by Josh Puleston and Plymouth Samaritans, Girl, Interrupted is a film which highlights how mental health issues can affect any of us. In 1967, after a session with a psychiatrist she'd never seen before, Susanna Kaysen was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder and sent to a New England psychiatric hospital where she spent the next two years in a ward for teenage girls. Though Girl, Interrupted took place in the 1960s, Winona Ryder, who plays Susanna in the film said, "it could take place in any time and have the same emotional result. Anybody could end up in one of these places — you or me, or anybody that we know."

Dates & Times

 Saturday 26th Sep  6:00pm Socially Distanced
Event has Passed

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