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Booksmart (15)

F Rated Film
Friday 5th - Thursday 11th July

Dir. Olivia Wilde, US, 2019, 102 mins.
Cast. Skyler Gisondo, Kaitlyn Dever, Lisa Kudrow.

This razor-sharp comedy about two A-grade students on a mission to cram four years of fun into one night is the film everyone wants to see. Amy and Molly are best friends and academic superstars who, on the eve of their high school graduation, realise they could have worked less, played more, and still achieved academic glory. With nothing to lose and determined not to fall short of their peers, they set out to do as much of the teenage debauchery they missed out on into one short night. A joyous, authentic celebration of female friendship.

Dates & Times

 Friday 5th Jul  8:30pm
Event has Passed
 Saturday 6th Jul  2:30pm
Event has Passed
 Saturday 6th Jul  8:00pm
Event has Passed
 Tuesday 9th Jul  8:30pm
Event has Passed
 Wednesday 10th Jul  6:00pm
Event has Passed
 Thursday 11th Jul  8:30pm
Event has Passed

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