Hannah Pollard invites you to join the Looe Street Detectives…
Plymouth Arts Centre is celebrating it’s 70th anniversary – cheers to you! It is now, and has been for some time, an integral part of my life.
Four years ago I had the pleasure of helping the artist Sara Bowler deliver her Looe Street Detectives exhibition at Plymouth Arts Centre. The Looe Street Detectives formed to investigate the area around The Plymouth Arts Centre around 38 Looe Street. Now, we revisit this exhibition, making new works to uncover and celebrate the history of Plymouth Arts Centre itself, and to shout from the rooftops how much we would love to be able to cement another 70 years of PAC delivering a stunning visual arts and contemporary cinema programme within our city.
The body of our organisation is the bricks and mortar that we call our building.
The artwork we so proudly show off, is our spirit.
But the people, the people that make us who we are-that is our soul.
PAC is looking for soul mates…(there’s room in this relationship for more than two.)
If you would like to be one of the people who help uncover our 70 year history and become part of PAC’s present, and indeed future, please come and join us for a Looe Street Detectives drop in session with artist Sara Bowler: Saturday 23rd September. 1:30 – 4:30pm
The longest relationship I’ve had is with the Plymouth Arts Centre. We’ve remained loyal: sharing public and private moments, over the last 10 years. It has guided me through the transition from student to professional. I began my journey straight out of finishing my Fine Art Degree at UWIC University, where I did some work experience, helping out during install of exhibitions and volunteering at workshops.

The Gallery, Looe Street Detectives
This lead onto doing an internship, shortly followed by joining a young persons art initiative called YPAC. This opened the door to a permanent position in gallery education, where I stayed for several years before leaving to have children: I couldn’t stay away for long though and I was welcomed back into my current new position of Creative Learning Coordinator, in which I have helped expand all elements of learning and participation in our galleries, and grown our relationships with our workshop audience.
Plymouth Arts Centre has offered me opportunities no-one else could.
Talked to me openly through the beautiful works on the walls.
These same walls were the home of my labour.
The Arts Centre held my hand through the soul shattering time of the death of my son, and has always celebrated me wholly as a mother, a teammate and a creative person.
We’ve never fought.
I’ve never strayed.
It has always kept me on my toes and filled me with excitement for what the future would hold for us.
If you cannot make the session on Saturday 23 September but want to know more please email Hannah at looestreetdetectives@plymouthartscinema.org
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