Shextreme on Tour (advisory 15)


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Shextreme on Tour (advisory 15)

F Rated Film
Thursday 28th November

The world’s first film festival celebrating women in extreme sports and adventure, Shextreme launches its first UK tour this autumn. Leading the charge for gender equality in adventure filmmaking, Shextreme’s UK tour takes the best of the 2019 festival out on tour, electrifying audiences with an exciting and inspiring celebration of adventurous, active women. There is no shortage of amazing women in adventure. However, there IS a shortage of filmmakers sharing their empowering stories on screen, and Shextreme addresses this through its action-packed programmes of active, adventurous women, both on screen and behind the camera. The Shextreme UK film tour has assembled a selection of inspirational stories, encompassing mountaineering, biking, surfing, skiing, slacklining and more. Prepare to be inspired!



Get a half price drink from our bar when you come to see a film on 26 - 28 November. Just show us a lottery ticket or scratchcard when you order a drink (one per person per Lottery Ticket).

We are proud to be supported by the BFI via the National Lottery, #THANKSTOYOU, so come and discover Plymouth's only independent cinema!

Dates & Times

 Thursday 28th Nov  6:00pm
Event has Passed

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