Reclaim the Frame: Birds of Passage (15)


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Reclaim the Frame: Birds of Passage (15)

F Rated Film
Thursday 6th June

This screening is part of Birds' Eye View's Reclaim The Frame campaign to bring ever greater audiences to films by women to offer a wider perspective of the world.
Join Birds' Eye View for a specialist extended introduction to the film from Kathryn Gray, from the University of Plymouth. Following the screening, the audience is invited to attend a workshop "Utilising the Power of Dreams" led by psychologist Christa Mackinnon.

You can get involved in the Reclaim the Frame project by signing up as an Influencer. You'll get free tickets to Reclaim the Frame screenings, as well as many other things! Find out more here.

Dir. Cristina Gallego, Ciro Guerra, Colombia, 2018, 126 mins, subtitled.
Cast. Carmina Martinez, Jose Acosta, Natalia Reyes, Jhon Narvaez.
Main language: English, Spanish, Wayuu.

Birds of Passage follows the emergence of the drug trade from the perspective of the narcotic-harvesting tribes of the Colombian Guajira desert. As American demand for marijuana grows in the 1970s, a cash bonanza hits Colombia and a Wayuu family discovers the perks of wealth and power, plus the dangers inherent in it. A drug-trade fratricidal war puts at risk the family’s new-found status, their ancestral traditions, and their very lives. The directors lend a vivid, colorful ethnographic grounding to this true story of the South American drug wars.

“Superbly crafted. A Colombian crime epic. Both ethnographic chronicle and art-house thriller.” Jordan Mintzer, The Hollywood Reporter.

Dates & Times

 Thursday 6th Jun  7:00pm
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