Coffee! Cake! Cinema! Plymouth Art Weekender


Coffee! Cake! Cinema! Plymouth Art Weekender

Sunday 29th September

What better way to start Day 3 of Plymouth Art Weekender than with coffee, cake and cinema?! We will be participating in the Macmillan World’s Biggest Coffee Morning from 10am – 12.30pm on Sunday 29th September where you can grab something delicious to eat while watching a selection of films made by Plymouth based moving image artists.

Please note: the information about this event in the printed Plymouth Art Weekender guide is incorrect. It’s definitely 10am – 12.30pm on Sunday 29th September!

This event is not ticketed, just turn up, eat cakes and watch films!

We will be screening the following films from 10am:
Chris Bailey – Hyperliberalisation: Trump vs The Liberal Elite
Chris Bailey – Of Monsters
Thomas Cass – Unnatural Tides
Laura Denning – Always Already
Laura Denning – Hypnosis
Laura Denning – Wonwell Flows
Allister Gall – Cortical Songs
Allister Gall – Sub/Son 13:32
Stuart Moore – Sodium Drift
Stuart Moore – Zinn
Chris Muirhead – Metamorphosis
Katy Richardson – Unreliable
Katy Richardson – Untitled
Marcy Saude – Catherine


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