PAC Home Talk: Tom Trevor


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PAC Home Talk: Tom Trevor

Thursday 15th June

PAC Home Talk: Tom Trevor
Thursday 15th June, 6pm
£3/Free for PAC Home members

In the lead-up to Mayflower 400, the Atlantic Project is a pilot for a new international festival of contemporary art for the South West. Taking place over the summer of 2018 in public contexts across the city, it will include site-specific commissions by internationally renowned artists, as well as locally-based practitioners.

Tom Trevor, Artistic Director of the Atlantic Project, was previously Artistic Director of the 4th Dojima River Biennale in Osaka, Japan (2014-15), curatorial consultant to the 1st ARoS Triennial in Aarhus, Denmark (2014-15), Guest Curator at the Devi Art Foundation in Delhi, India (2013-14), Director of Arnolfini in Bristol (2005-13) and Director of Spacex in Exeter (1999-2005).

Dates & Times

 Thursday 15th Jun  6:00pm
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