Girls Girls Girls (15)


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Girls Girls Girls (15)

F Rated Film
Friday 21st - Wednesday 26th October

Dir. Alli Haapasalo, Finland, 2022, 100 mins, subtitled. Cast. Aamu Milonoff, Eleonoora Kauhanen, Linnea Leino.

Immediately engaging, Alli Haapasalo’s (Love and Fury) candid, spirited drama follows a trio of Finnish teens exploring desire and first love. High school best friends Mimmi and Rönkkö work at the smoothie kiosk in the local mall, exchanging gossip, jokes, and their views on love and sex. They’re both single, and while the indefatigable Rönkkö is seeking an instant spark, the more cynical Mimmi protests there’s no such thing – until she meets elite ice skater Emma, and finds just that.

We're sorry to announce that the 2.30pm screening on Saturday 22 October is cancelled due to a technical problem.

Dates & Times

 Friday 21st Oct  8:30pm
Event has Passed
 Saturday 22nd Oct  2:30pm
Event has Passed
 Tuesday 25th Oct  8:30pm
Event has Passed
 Wednesday 26th Oct  5:45pm
Event has Passed

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