Did you know that Plymouth Arts Cinema is a charity?
The generosity of our donors helps Plymouth Arts Cinema to continue as Plymouth's only independent cinema. Donations and memberships help us to programme all the things that make us distinctive - like Bringing in Baby, Relaxed Screenings, hosting Q&As and inviting special guests, supporting local filmmakers and showing archive film. We are passionate about the importance of cultural cinema here in Plymouth.
You can set up online donations below. If you would like to discuss making a donation to Plymouth Arts Cinema in further detail, please contact PAC Marketing Manager Charlotte McGuinness on charlotte@plymouthartscinema.org or call 07514 594062.
Regular Donations
Your ongoing support helps us to plan our activities and helps with the costs of our core expenses.
You can make a regular donation by
- Setting up a Standing Order through your online banking (you will need our bank account details which are – Plymouth Arts Cinema, Lloyds Bank, Sort Code 30-96-68, Account Number 03872456).
- Setting up a regular payment through the button below.
Leaving a legacy to Plymouth Arts Cinema through a gift in your will is one of the most valuable and lasting ways you can support us. It costs nothing during your lifetime, but will have a powerful impact for years to come. Legacies are also tax-efficient; a gift to a charity is exempt from Inheritance Tax and it might bring the total estate below the Inheritance Tax threshold. For further information, or to let us know about your pledge, please ask PAC Marketing Manager Charlotte McGuinness to contact you (charlotte@plymouthartscinema.org / 01752 206114).
If you are planning to write a legacy into your will, you will need our registered charity details. These are:
Plymouth Arts Cinema
Tavistock Place
Our Registered Charity No is 800664

Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer, the value of your donation can increase by 25% under the Gift Aid scheme at no additional cost to you.
If you are a UK taxpayer and have made a donation but not yet completed this declaration with us, would you please be able to click on the link below, to complete a declaration and enable us to make your kind donation go even further?
Alternatively you can download and complete a Gift Aid form and return it to us.