- Anna
- Bob and Roberta Smith at Plymouth Arts Centre
This week is Children’s Art Week, so it’s a good time to tell you that this summer at Plymouth Arts Centre we are running our Ignite! Arts Award course for 11-15 year olds.
Join us for two days of exciting, creative and challenging sessions, which involve experimenting with materials, learning new skills and making new friends. Find out how you can be involved here: https://www.plymouthartscinema.org/eventsandeducati/live/2014/ignite-arts-award.html
All 8 of our young people who entered into our Bronze Arts Award in 2013 passed their moderation – congratulations! Here’s a little bit from three of the students about their experience last summer:
Anna Hale:
Last summer (2013) in the school holidays I took part in the ‘Ignite Arts Award’ sessions at Plymouth Arts Centre. Even though I was 10 years old at the time, the lovely team of artists, Kathy, Sue, Hannah & Tabitha at the Arts Centre inspired and supported me and my friend James to work towards our Bronze Award, a national arts award qualification!
I really enjoyed this experience – I got to visit Plymouth Museum, I looked at and sketched the model of the Whinstanley and handled precious old artifacts. I created some pieces of art work, and made my own ‘ideas’ book. I looked at Bob and Roberta Smith’s Letter to Michael Gove art work and researched and presented my work on my art hero Salvador Dali.
And, this June Hannah informed me that I have achieved the Bronze qualification! I am now thinking of working towards the Silver Arts Award.
I would say to any children my age or older to have a go – it’s great fun, you learn to look at art differently get the chance to be creative and work towards an art qualification!!!
Cait Thomas-Dodd:
I really enjoyed my arty experience being a part of the bronze arts award group. The teachers were lovely and really helped to guide me in the right direction. Although I was one of the younger ones I was immediately made to feel part of the group. I definitely learned a lot and feel I have gained confidence along the way. I would recommend it for older children who love a challenge and the chance to be creative. The whole experience has broadened my outlook and I now see lots of things in a completely different way. I can’t wait to start my silver award in the summer.
James enjoyed the variation of the work he carried out especially having his own ideas and working independently.
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